About Us

HanaCaption is operated by Hana Media LLC, a sister company of Korea’s Hana Media.

As an importer of non Korean language movies to Korea, Hana Media has distributed 50+ titles includiong Fried Green Tomatoes, The Shawshank Redemption, Run Lola Run, Hanabi, Before Sunrise and most Castle Rock Entertainment movies prior to the WB merger.

Hana Media is an innovative company that evolves and adapts with advances in technology.  In 2000, before the emergence of Red Box DVD rental machines, it developed a similarly unmanned rental kiosk for use in Korea with RFID tagged VHS/DVDs for a quick and reliable rental process.  We have also developed an electronic subtitling system for film based and DCP movies, and multi-language closed captioning technology for digital TV and internet video streaming to serve the hearing impaired as well as non-English speaking populations in the U.S.  Hana Media has produced more than 300 studio movie subtitles that uses these  systems.